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Group Rules 2014


Membership of the Group implies the understanding

to comply and abide by with these rules:-


1. Everyone who attends the group must sign in at reception

for Health and Safety reasons on every visit.

2. Anyone under the age of 16 is welcome to join the

group, however they must be accompanied by an


3. Respect fellow members of the group at all times.

4. Complaints made against a member of the group or

the group itself will be dealt with in a prompt, confidential

and effective manner by the committee.

5. Care must be taken at all times by all members of

their own personal equipment and other belongings.

Any loss/theft or damage caused to personal equipment

or other members equipment will not be the responsibility

of the Market House Photography Group.

6. Annual membership is for a year. Single meeting

membership is available.

7. All images submitted by members of the Market

House Photography Group for display purposes will

be treated with respect at all times. No images or information

belonging to any member within the Group

shall be used by a third party without the consent of

the member first. Market House Photography Group

does not accept any liability for any images which are

damaged, removed or stolen whilst on display. All

images are displayed at the members own risk.

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